Yiddish Studies


Yiddish Resources around Berkeley


If you have interest in supporting Yiddish at Berkeley, please contact us. You may also make a donation online, using the Giving at Cal website. Be sure to specify under Special Instructions for this Gift, that your donation is intended for Yiddish.

The German Department Library located in Dwinelle Hall has a growing collection of Yiddish reference materials, periodicals, literature and film.

UC Berkeley Judaica Collection is committed to maintaining the Yiddish collection at the University of California, Doe Library on campus. Contact Paul Hamburg, Judaica librarian for more information.

Lehrhaus Judaica offers community courses in Yiddish literature and language.

Berkeley-Richmond Jewish Community Center offers weekly Yiddish Conversation courses; Mondays, 10:30-11:00 am / First and Third Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30pm. Learn or revive your Yiddish through conversation. Peer led.