People / Graduate Students


Elizabeth Sun


Elizabeth Sun is a Ph.D. Student in the Department of German and is pursuing Designated Emphases in New Media Studies and Dutch Studies. She holds a B.A. in Comparative Literature from Columbia University and an M.A. in Transcultural Studies from Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg. Her work engages with the remediation and mediatization of the migrant and refugee figure in literary, filmic, and digital texts. Since 2021, she has been Managing Editor of TRANSIT, a multidisciplinary online journal dedicated to the critical inquiry of migration and multiculturalism in the German-speaking world. Recent issues include Vol 14.1 on Borderlands, Vol 13.2 on Archival Engagement, and TRANSIT’s Special Issue on Homeland. Elizabeth’s translations have appeared in earlier issues of TRANSIT and the essay collection, Your Homeland is our Nightmare (Literarische Diverse Verlag). Elizabeth co-organizes UC Berkeley’s groups on Environmental Humanities and Queer European Studies.