People / Emeriti


Winfried Kudszus

Professor Emeritus

Research Areas

Ecosemiotics; Translation Studies; Language Philosophy (Hamann, Nietzsche, Mauthner, Wittgenstein, Heidegger); Psychoanalysis & Literature; 18th-21st Century Germanophone Poetry & Prose; 19th Century Science & Literature.

5413 Dwinelle

Recent Courses

Poetry & Thought; Literary Translation; Modernist Literature; Madness and Dreams in Literary Formations; 18th-21st Century Poetry; Nietzsche/Freud


Professor Kudszus studied literature, philosophy, and psychology at the Universities of Zurich, Freiburg/Breisgau, and Munich. Ph.D. Berkeley 1968. Stanford faculty 1967, Berkeley faculty since 1968. Kudszus has held visiting and research professorships at various universities, and in a number of disciplines and interdisciplinary programs: Cornell University (Society for the Humanities); University of Tübingen (German Literature); University of Mainz (Research Professor at the Institute of Psychiatry); University of Frankfurt/Main (Sociology/Psychoanalysis); Latvian Academy of Culture, Riga (Cultural Semiotics).

Major awards received include a Guggenheim Fellowship (Franz Kafka), a Merton research professorship (linguistics of schizophrenia), a Cornell University/Society for the Humanities research fellowship, and most recently a France-Berkeley Fund grant (project: “Metaphor in the Political Debate of Austerity Programs”). At the University of California, Berkeley, Kudszus has directed thirty-nine Ph.D. dissertations.

Kudszus’ research interests include language philosophy, relationships between science and literature, translation theory & practice, ecosemiotics, and the theory and practice of psychoanalysis. Regarding the latter, his research and writing also draws on his professional experience in his psychodynamically oriented private practice (M.A., Clinical Psychology, 1996). Among Kudszus’ eight books are Poetic Process (1995), Terrors of Childhood in Grimms’ Fairy Tales (2005), Literatur und Schizophrenie: Theorie und Interpretation eines Grenzgebiets (ed., re-issued de Gruyter, 2011), and most recently the bi-lingual book Métaphores de l’austérité et austérité des métaphores/Metaphors of Austerity & the Austerity of Metaphors (co-ed., Paris: L’Harmattan 2018). Kudszus has also published some seventy articles (involving the writings of Novalis, Hölderlin, Nietzsche, Freud, Rilke, Trakl, Kafka, R. Walser, T. Mann, Bobrowski, Celan, J. v. Uexküll, Heidegger, Wittgenstein, Foucault, Deleuze, Guattari, etc.). Kudszus’ current research focuses on linguistic and conceptual emergences (time, space, perception), with regard to salient writings (by Freud, Wittgenstein, Nietzsche and Uexküll, among others) in their interrelationships across various fields (psychoanalysis, literature, philosophy, history of science, ecosemiotics).



Sprachverlust und Sinnwandel: Zur späten und spätesten Lyrik Hölderlins. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1969.

Austriaca: Beiträge zur österreichischen Literatur. Festschrift für Heinz Politzer, co-ed. with Hinrich Seeba. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1975.

Literatur und Schizophrenie. Theorie und Interpretation eines Grenzgebiets, ed. München/Tübingen: dtv/Niemeyer, 1977. Reissue: Berlin: de Gruyter, 2011.

Psychoanalytische und psychopathologische Literaturinterpretation, co-ed. with Bernd Urban. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1981.

Contemporary Germany: Politics and Culture, co-ed. with Charles Burdick and Hans-Adolf Jacobsen. Boulder and London: Westview, 1984.

Poetic Process. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1995.

Terrors of Childhood in Grimms’ Fairy Tales. New York: Lang, 2005.

Métaphores de l’Austérité et Austérité des Métaphores/Metaphors of Austerity & The Austerity of Metaphors, co-ed. with Richard Trim. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2018.



“Erzählhaltung und Zeitverschiebung in Kafkas Prozeß und Schloß.” Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte 38 (1964): 192-208. Republ. Wege der Forschung. Vol. 342. Ed. Heinz Politzer. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1973.

“Hölderlins ‘Friedensfeier’.” Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte 41 (1967): 547-568.

“Erzählperspektive und Erzählgeschehen in Kafkas Prozeß.” Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte 44 (1970): 306-317.

“Between Past and Future: Kafka’s Later Novels.” Mosaic. A Journal for the Comparative Study of Literature and Ideas 3 (1970): 107-118.

“Peeperkorns Lieblingsjünger: Zu Thomas Manns Zauberberg.” Wirkendes Wort 21 (1970): 54- 67.

“Geschichtsverlust und Sprachproblematik in den Hymnen an die Nacht.” Euphorion 65 (1971): 298-311.

“Versuch einer Heilung: Zu Hölderlins späterer Lyrik.” Hölderlin ohne Mythos. Ed. Ingrid Riedel. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1973. 18-33.

“Understanding Media: Zur Kritik dualistischer Humanität im Zauberberg.” Besichtigung des Zauberbergs. Ed. Heinz Saueressig. Biberach: Wege und Gestalten, 1974. 55-80.

“‘Nach der Vor-Schrift’: Zur Lyrik Paul Celans.” Austriaca: Beiträge zur österreichischen Literatur. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1975. 423-441.

“Literatur und Schizophrenie: Forschungsperspektiven.” Literatur und Schizophrenie. München/Tübingen: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag/Niemeyer, 1977. 1-12.

“Literatur, Soziopathologie, Double-bind: Überlegungen zu einem Grenzgebiet.” Literatur und Schizophrenie. München/Tübingen: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag/Niemeyer, 1977). 153-163.

“Changing Perspectives in The Trial and The Castle.” The Kafka Debate: New Perspectives for Our Time. Ed. Angel Flores. New York: Gordian, 1977. 385-395.

“Musik im Schloß und in Josefine, die Sängerin.” Modern Austrian Literature 11 (1978): 243- 256.

“Reflections on the Double Bind of Literature and Psychopathology.” Sub-Stance 20 (1978): 19- 36.

“In Memoriam Heinz Politzer.” Modern Austrian Literature 11 (1978): I-II.

“Literatur und Schizophrenie: Forschungslage und Forschungsaufgaben.” Confinia Psychiatrica 21 (1979): 160-175.

“Denkprozesse,” co-auth. with Andrew Jászi. Konkursbuch 3 (1979): 151-171.

“Begriffene Literatur und Literatur als Prozess: Trakls ‘Trompeten’,” co-auth. with Andrew Jászi. Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik 11 (1980): 129-133.

“Literatur und Schizophrenie.” Austreibung des Geistes aus den Geisteswissenschaften. Ed. Friedrich Kittler. Paderborn: Schöningh, 1980. 175-187.

“Foreword.” In Louk M. P. T. Wijsen. Cognition and Image Formation in Literature. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1980. 9.

“Versprechen, Verschreiben, Verstehen: Ansätze zu einer Erkenntniskritik mit Kafka.” Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte. Ed. Jürgen Brummack et al. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1981. 837-846.

“Literaturwissenschaft und Psychiatrie.” Die Psychologie des 20. Jahrhunderts. Vol. 10. Ed. Uwe Peters. München and Zürich: Kindler, 1980. 1121-1130.

“Reflections on Kafka’s Critique of Knowledge.” Axia. Ed. Karl Menges et al. Stuttgart: Akademischer Verlag, 1981. 46-50.

“Literatur und Schizophrenie: Modethema und Provokation zum Nachdenken.” Die Bücherkommentare 30 (1981): 3-7.

“Kritische Überlegungen und neue Perspektiven zur psychoanalytischen und psychopathologischen Literaturinterpretation,” co-auth. with Bernd Urban. Psychoanalytische und psychopathologische Literaturinterpretation. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1981. 1-22.

“Verschüttungen in Kafkas Der Bau.” Probleme der Moderne: Studien zur deutschen Literatur von Nietzsche bis Brecht. Festschrift für Walter Sokel. Ed. Benjamin Bennett et al. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1983. 307-317.

“Lyric Poetry in German Since 1945.” Contemporary Germany: Politics and Culture. Boulder and London: Westview, 1984. 340-352.

“Zum Sprachverlauf in Trakls Lyrik: ‘An einen Frühverstorbenen’.” Internationales Trakl- Symposium. Ed. Joseph P. Strelka. Bern: Lang, 1984. 164-170.

“Musik und Erkenntnis in Kafkas Forschungen eines Hundes.” Literatur und Musik: Ein Handbuch zur Theorie und Praxis eines komparatistischen Grenzgebietes. Ed. Steven P. Scher. Berlin: Schmidt, 1984. 348-356. Republ. Erkennen und Deuten: Essays zur Literatur und Literaturtheorie. Edgar Lohner in memoriam. Ed. Martha Woodmansee et al. Berlin: Schmidt, 1984. 300-309.

“Sprachprozesse in moderner Lyrik: Herbeck, Celan, Hölderlin.” Anstösse (1984). 137-143.

“Metaperspektiven im Spätwerk Kafkas.” Was bleibt von Franz Kafka? Ed. Wendelin Schmidt- Dengler. Wien: Braumüller, 1985. 147-154.

“Walser’s Silence.” Robert Walser Rediscovered. Ed. Mark Harman. Hanover: University Press of New England, 1985. 195-201.

“Sankt Michaels Massaker.” Anschlüsse: Versuche nach Michel Foucault. Ed. Gesa Dane et al. Tübingen: edition diskord, 1985. 158-168.

“Meeting Kafka.” Franz Kafka: His Craft and Thought. Ed. Roman Struc et al. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1986. VII + 141-151.

“Kafka’s Cage and Circus.” Kafka and the Contemporary Critical Performance: Centenary Readings. Ed. Alan Udoff. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987. 99-110.

“Postscript.” Journal of the Kafka Society of America 1/2 (1987): 40-43.

“Between the Tongues.” Qui Parle 2 (1988): 43-54. Republ. in The Semiotic Bridge: Trends from California. Ed. Irmengard Rauch et al. New York and Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1989. 153-162.

“The Bluebeard Affection.” Disease and Medicine in Modern German Cultures. Ed. Rudolf Käser et al. Ithaca: Center for International Studies, 1990. 108-119.

“Acknowledgments: ‘An Georg Trakl,’ by Robert Walser.” The Dark Flutes of Fall: Critical Essays on Georg Trakl. Ed. Eric Williams. Columbia: Camden House, 1991. 264-283. Republ. American Journal of Semiotics 9 (1992): 27-45.

“Freud’s Faust Case, Christoph Haitzmann.” Signs of Humanity. L’homme et ses signes. Vol. 2. Ed. Michel Balat et al. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1992. 1043-1048.

“Devrais-je dire de qui c’est?” SUD. Revue littéraire trimestrielle (1992): 157-178.

“Vorspiel und Schweigensbruch: Rainer Maria Rilkes “Eros,” “Perlen entrollen. Weh, riß eine der Schnüre” und “Tränen, Tränen, die aus mir brechen.” Poetry-Poetics-Translation. Ed. Ursula Mahlendorf et al. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1994. 120-129.

“‘Ob ich sagen soll, von wem es ist?’ Versuch zu Robert Walser.” Körper/Kultur. Ed. Thomas W. Kniesche. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1995. 193-216.

“On the Epistemology of Addiction: The Case of Josef K.” Semiotics around the World: Synthesis in Diversity. Ed. Irmengard Rauch et al. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1997. 437-440.

“The Possibility of Extremes: Skins of a Tale.” Interdigitations. Ed. Gerald F. Carr et al. New York and Bern: Lang, 1999. 637-646.

“The Process of Translation in Freud’s The Interpretation of Dreams.” Interdisciplinary Journal for Germanic Linguistics and Semiotic Analysis 6 (2001): 184-194.

“Irma’s Skin: Freud’s Dream Poetry.” Interdisciplinary Journal for Germanic Linguistics and Semiotic Analysis 7 (2002): 127-134.

“Wishing for a Network: Sigmund Freud’s Autoanalytic Conceptions between Vienna and Paris” (2004):

“Anmerkungen zwischen Freud und Kafka.” Die Vielfalt in Kafkas Leben und Werk. Ed. Wendelin Schmidt-Dengler et al. Wien: Vitalis, 2005. 199-210.

“Dichtung und Wahrheit in den Wolfsmann-Texten: Freuds Beiwerk und Peter Rosegger.” Text & Reality/Text & Wirklichkeit. Ed. Jeff Bernard et al. Ljubljana, Wien, Graz: ZRC & ÖGS, 2005. 129-139.

“Translating Transition: Dada, Fort/Da, Grimms’ Da.” Interdisciplinary Journal for Germanic Linguistics and Semiotic Analysis 12 (2007): 59-67.

“Katastrophenmomente: Chayan Khoï, Sigmund Freud, Friedrich Nietzsche.” Was die Aufmerksamkeit erregt. Ed. U. H. Peters. Köln: ANA, 2008. 93-110.

“Friedrich Nietzsche’s Late Notes and Wilhelm Roux: Microlinguistic Performance and Microphysiology.” Communication: Understanding/Misunderstanding. Ed. Eero Tarasti. Acta Semiotica Fennica XXXIV (2009): 808-816.

“Before Opera in Bobrowski’s Litauische Claviere.” Before and After Music. Ed. Lina Navickaite-Martinelli. Acta Semiotica Fennica XXXVII (2010): 358-363.

“Intercultural Communication: The Case of Psychoanalysis.” Culture of Communication/Communication of Culture. Ed. Pilar Couto Cantero et al. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña, 2012. 1141-1146.

“Linguistic Emergence of Time and Space: Paul Celan’s Poetological Metamodulations.” Traversing the Mental and the Artistic Worlds. Ed. Yongxiang Wang. Nanjing: Hohai University Press, 2014. 165-169.

“Between the Scientific and the Divine Microscope: Agassiz, Freud, Nietzsche, Mauthner.” Interdisciplinary Journal for Germanic Linguistics and Semiotic Analysis 20 (2015): 1-12.

“Postparadoxical Semiotics in Ludwig Wittgenstein’s On Certainty.” Semiotics 2014: The Semiotics of Paradox. Yearbook of the Semiotic Society of America. Ed. Jamin Pelkey et al. Toronto: Legas, 2015. 47-54.

Glück in Trieste: On Psychoanalytic Archeology in Freud.” Interdisciplinary Journal for Germanic Linguistics and Semiotic Analysis 21 (2016): 33-43.

“Invisible Realities in Cameratic Perceptions.” Is it Real? Structuring Reality by Means of Signs. Ed. Zeynep Onur et al. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016. 23-29.

“Linguistico-Literary Reflections on the Science of Light: Sensory Emergence in Goethe’s Theory of Colors, and Jakob von Uexküll’s Metaphoricity of Semiosic Scaffolding.” Kalbų Studijos/Studies about Languages 26 (2015): 83-109.

“Semiosic Oscillations: Ernst Chladni’s Sound Figures in Friedrich Nietzsche’s Metaphorology.” Semiotics 2015: Virtual Identities. Yearbook of the Semiotic Society of America. Ed. Jamin Pelkey et al. Charlottesville: Philosophy Documentation Center, 2016. 89-98.

“Transpositions of Hunger: Nietzsche and Microscience.” Semiotics 2016: Archaeology of Concepts. Yearbook of the Semiotic Society of America. Ed. Jamin Pelkey. Charlottesville: Philosophy Documentation Center, 2017. 49-62.

“Disiecta membra poetae.” Metamorphoses of the Absolute. Ed. Daina Teters and Otto Neumaier. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018. 221-233.

“Préface/Preface.” Métaphores de l’Austérité et Austérité des Métaphores/Metaphors of Austerity & The Austerity of Metaphors. Ed. Winfried Kudszus and Richard Trim. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2018. 11-21.

“Émergence linguistique: Faim, métabolisme et métaphorologie dans la pensée et l’œvre de Friedrich Nietzsche.” Métaphores de l’Austérité et Austérité des Métaphores/Metaphors of Austerity & The Austerity of Metaphors. Ed. Winfried Kudszus and Richard Trim. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2018. 39-86.


Poetic Process