Graduate Symposium on German Medieval Studies

May 1, 2017

The Graduate Symposium on German Medieval Studies will be convened this year at Stanford (May 4) and Berkeley (May 5).

Stanford – Wallenberg Hall, Room 433A

10:00 am. Welcome (Coffee and light refreshments)

10:15 am. Session 1
Moderated by Kathrin Gollwitzer, Berkeley

Walker Horsfall, Toronto. “Mirrors and Mock Jousts: Metaphor as Ritual in Frauenlob”
Mareike Reisch, Stanford. “sinne und vernunft: Die bildliche Darstellung eines mittelalterlichen Modells von Sinneswahrnehmung im Konstanzer Haus zur Kunkel“
Daniela Fuhrmann and Pia Selmayr, Zurich. “Narrated Orders – Orders of Narration”

12:30 pm. Lunch

1:30 pm. Session 2
Moderated by Landon Reitz, Berkeley

Hans Pech, Harvard. “Vision and Imagination in Henry Suso´s Mysticism”
Chris Hutchinson, Stanford. “Syphilis and its Cure: Ulrich von Hutten and Medi(c)al Communication”

3:00 pm. Break

3:45 pm. Session 3
Barchas Room, Stanford Special Collections
Moderated by Robert Forke, Stanford

Björn Buschbeck, Stanford. Manuscript Analysis
Aleksandra Prica, Chapel Hill. Discussion of Primary Text: Basler Trojanerkrieg

5/5 Moses Hall 201

10:30 am. Session 5
Moderated by Oriana Schällibaum, Zurich

Jon Martin, Princeton. “Are Marke and Isalde Married? An Examination of Legal Ritual in Eilhart’s Tristrant”
Thomas Müller, Zurich. “Performative Sanctification in Late Medieval Hagiography”

12:00 pm. Lunch

1:00 pm. Session 6
Moderated by Patric Di Dio Di Marco, Stanford

Hannah Hunter-Parker, Princeton. “Lost Manuscripts: Classics from the German Homer to the Heldenbuch”
Jake Wakelin, Toronto. “The Kaiserchronik in Perspective: German Vernacular Historiography in a Twelfth-Century Context”

2:30 pm. Break

3:00 pm. Session 7
Moderated by Jenny Strakovsky, Stanford

Mae Lyons-Penner, Stanford. “The Global Medieval Sourcebook”
Christopher Hench, Berkeley. “Phonological Soundscapes and the Lyrical ‘I’”