Jan Donkers will lecture on “Provo and After: Second Thoughts on Amsterdam’s Playful Revolution in the Sixties.”

For decades, the Dutch have taken pride in the playful and relatively non-violent nature of the Provo Movement that shook Dutch society in the sixties. The way the protest movements of that decade were swiftly encapsulated was typical of the traditional Dutch ability to compromise. For a while it seemed that the basis of a permissive society was agreed upon by all. But when the backlash eventually did arrive, it came with a hint of vengeance.

Jan Donkers is this year’s Regents’ Lecturer at the Dutch Studies Program. He is a journalist and writer from Amsterdam. He is the Dutch authority on the history of pop music, the cultural revolution in the sixties and the American influence on Dutch popular culture.

Organized by the Dutch Studies Program. Contact Jeroen Dewulf: jdewulf@berkeley.edu.